Some teams just need a helping hand.

If you’re a startup or scale-up with your own internal marketing team, sometimes a full agency solution simply won’t be in budget.

So that’s why we offer a light touch consultancy package that allows you to always ensure you’re making the right choices.


Example Delivery

What are the typical areas of consultancy needed?

Your Questions Answered


Your questions answered whenever you need a second opinion. Very valuable when double checking decisions are the right ones.



It’s very common to need keyword research to inform writing article or web page. We can provide ad-hoc research for inevitable ad-hoc pieces.

Technical Crawls & Advice


If you have a tech team, they may be able to do the implementation for you, but we can check it’s all good in the eyes of search engines.

Strategy Advice


Your other marketing channels will always impact SEO activity. We can be a second opinion when it comes to overall marketing strategy.

Content Checks


Ensuring the content your team is producing is up to scratch, and giving pointers on how to improve it for better ranking

Transparent pricing.

Our consultancy package is based on an ongoing half-a-day per month of time, scalable if you need more help. So you’ve always got a second opinion.

The half day can be used throughout the month, or we may need to sit down and use it all at once. It’s up to you.

  • 1/2 day support: £360 per month (ex VAT)

  • Additional 1/2 days can be added as needed

All our clients receive position reporting too, so you don’t have to pay for the expensive SEO tools yourself.